Frequently Asked Questions | Bay Area Kids Rentals

Frequently Asked Questions

Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Q.How do I book?
A.Booking is now even simpler with our live online booking system. Visit our website and choose your desired rental items, date, and quantity. Specify if delivery is needed (additional cost). Feel free to provide any additional information in the comments section and complete the checkout process with a 50% deposit.
Q.How can I confirm item availability?
A.With our live booking feature, if an item is displayed on the website, it's available for you to reserve. Availability is on a first-come, first-served basis, and items will be secured upon receipt of a non-refundable 50% deposit and a signed rental agreement.
Q.Where can I find pricing?
A.To view pricing, simply go to our website search or click on the desired rental and you will see the price listed below it.
Q.What are the payment terms?
A.Secure your booking with a 50% non-refundable payment upon confirmation. The remaining 50% non-refundable payment is due one week before your event. If your booking is made within one week of the event, a 100% non-refundable payment is required. Should you need to reschedule, kindly provide a 24-hour notice before the event starts to transfer the payment to the new date. Event cancellations will result in an in-house credit for future rental needs. Rescheduled events depend on availability.
Q.Is a damage deposit required?
A.Depending on the rented item, a damage deposit might apply. This deposit is collected as a security measure and doesn't cover damage costs. Any damaged items must still be returned. A damage deposit is also charged for customer pick-ups.
Q.What is the damage waiver fee?
A.We offer an OPTIONAL damage waiver for all clients. This non-refundable charge amounts to 7% of the total rental value (excluding delivery, handling, fees, or consumable items). The fee covers unintentional nicks and scratches, but not intentional or significant damages. Items must be returned to qualify for the damage waiver.
Q.How is returning dirty or damaged items handled?
A.Clients are responsible for damage to rental items, except reasonable wear and tear, while items are not in the rental warehouse A reasonable cleaning charge applies for items returned dirty. Accrued rental charges can't be used for repair or purchase of damaged items. Irreparably damaged equipment will be paid for by the client at its replacement cost. Repair costs are borne by the client, whether done by the rental centre or others.
Q.What's the delivery area for Bay Area Kids Rental?
A.Bay Area Kids Rental proudly offers delivery services across San Francisco and the South, North, and East Bay, as well as Central and San Joaquin Valley.
Q.How much does delivery cost?
A.Enjoy our convenient Delivery & Collection service at a flat fee of $80, in addition $4 per mile over 22 miles, and $7 per mile over 50 miles.
Q.Is there a minimum rental fee?
A.Yes, we have an $80 minimum rental fee. The delivery charge remains consistent even for smaller deliveries.
Q.Where is the customer pick-up located?
A.Our Customer Pick-Up location is situated in Oakland. To ensure safe transport without any damage, please bring moving blankets and wraps and an appropriately sized vehicle.
Q.Is there a charge for customer pick-ups at Bay Area Kids Rental?
A.No, there is no charge for customer pick-ups at Bay Area Kids Rental.
Q.How will I be informed about my delivery?
A.Expect a delivery confirmation one week before your event. Additionally, we will give you a call or send you a text when your items are on their way. It's crucial to have someone available to receive the delivery as our personnel will wait for 10 minutes only. Please notify us about any delivery challenges, such as stairs or difficult entryways. Ensure that items are ready for pick-up at the allocated time to avoid additional charges. For any changes to rental items or delivery details, kindly email us your requests.
Q.Are there any fees for early or late pick-up?
Q.Does Bay Area Kids Rentals have the right to use my photos?
A.Bay Area Kids Rentals holds the right to use client photos for display, social media, promotions, competitions, and advertising if necessary. We assure you that your photographs will be used tastefully.

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